What We're Made Of


Vinegar is about five percent acetic acid, which helps it break down the structure of some dirt, oils, films, stains, and bacteria.


Witch hazel has been shown to include analgesic, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties.


For the same reason ethanol is found in hand sanitizers, it is used in household cleaning products due to its power to kill the bacteria, fungi and viruses that can be harmful to us. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ethyl is generally considered superior to isopropyl alcohol, but both types of alcohol are effective at killing flu and cold viruses.


    • Tea Tree, Melaleuca alternifoliaTea tree oil contains a number of compounds, including terpinen-4-ol, that have been shown to kill certain bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
    • Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia: Known for its soothing floral aroma, lavender packs a mighty punch including antibacterial and deodorizing properties, even against bacteria within the Streptococcus species. "A study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology found that lavender oil could be effective in combating anti-fungal infections. The researchers found that the oil was lethal to a range of strains that can cause disease in the skin. In the study, the essential oils distilled from the Lavandula genus of the lavender plant seemed to work by destroying the membranes of fungal cells. The study showed that Lavandula oil is potent and demonstrates antifungal activity on a wide spectrum." -Medical News Today
    • Lemon, Citrus limonum: When used as a household cleaner, Lemon Essential Oil is a natural disinfectant for surfaces that eliminates mold and achieves a streak-free shine due to its natural antimicrobial agents limonene and b-pinene.
    • Holy Basil, Elettaria cardamomum: Holy basil aka tulsi is packed with phytochemicals, nutrients, terpenes, and flavonoids that provide countless health benefits, making it one of the most powerful herbs grown worldwide. Holy basil aids in cleaning by adding antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory benefits. FUN FACT: Holy basil releases oxygen that leads to cleaner air. Because of this particular benefit, the plant is being used to prevent the Taj Mahal’s white marble from becoming more yellow, due to toxins in the air. The Indian landmark is now surrounded by thousands of tulsi plants to protect the regal candidate for Eighth Wonder of the World. 
    • Cardamom, Elettaria cardamomum: Know as the "Queen of Spices", Cardamom essential oil is often used to promote openness or mental clarity. Spritzing or diffusing Cardamom oil helps promote a sense of a clear head, offering an overall soothing and calming feeling.
    • Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus globulus: Eucalyptus essential oil as a natural disinfectant/antibacterial cleaner. Studies have found that eucalyptus oil and its primary compound, 1,8-cineole, is a potent antimicrobial. That means it kills bacteria and protozoans, viruses and fungi, such as mold and mildew.
    • Palo Santo, Bursera graveolensPalo santo is a traditional remedy for pain, inflammation, and stress. It’s also used to clear out negative energy. Another supposed benefit is pain relief. People use palo santo to treat different types of pain, including arthritis, headache, and throat pain. Again, this effect may be related to limonene. A 2017 reviewTrusted Source states the substance has analgesic (pain-relieving) and anti-inflammatory properties. Limonene can provide relief by inhibiting certain neuronal pathways, according to a 2016 study by Trusted Source on animals. Many people find the aroma of palo santo relaxing, so it’s commonly used to ease stress. It’s thought to have a purifying, cleansing effect on the body and mind. This might also be due to limonene. In a 2013 animal studyTrusted Source, inhaled limonene exhibited anti-stress and anti-anxiety properties. A 2014 studyTrusted Source also found that ingested limonene decreased signs of stress in rats.
    • Bergamot, Citrus bergamia: Used topically, Bergamot essential oil has surface cleansing properties and can easily remove sticky residue. According to experts, this sunny and uplifting citrus scent “lightens a heavy heart, lifts stagnation, and encourages confidence.” The aroma of Bergamot soothes the nerves and reduces tension, and anxiety and perhaps even has a positive influence on the effects of depression.
    • Manuka, Leptospermum scoparium: Manuka is a member of the Myrtaceae family, which also includes tea tree and Melaleuca quinquenervia. Native to Australia and New Zealand, this shrub-like tree attracts pollinators, including honeybees that produce aromatic honey from its flowers. Manuka essential oil offers several skin care benefits when applied topically. In addition, it cleanses and neutralizes unwanted odors when diffused or used in home cleaning solutions, making it a versatile addition to every household.
    • Almond Fragrance: NOT AN ESSENTIAL OIL. Confession, this is our only synthetic product. This is a high-end scent oil we use in our Room | Linen Spray Signature Scent #108. It smells so yummy, soothing, and special, but we are working on replacing this with a natural alternative that produces the same level of aromatic pleasure -our promise to you.


Purified Water, Saponified Coconut Oil, Saponified Olive Oil, Potassium Oleate, Vegetable Glycerin, Sea Salt, Aloe Vera, Vitamin E


Pure coconut oil, Caustic Soda, Water


As a base, baking soda dissolves organic compounds like dirt, grease, and other stubborn substances. In addition, the mineral structure of each baking soda particle provides a gentle abrasive to clean without leaving scratches behind. Baking Soda deodorizes by bringing both acidic and basic odor molecules into a neutral, more odor-free state.

SODIUM CARBONATE (aka Washing Soda)

The sodium carbonate in washing soda "softens" water helping other cleaning ingredients lift soil from the fabrics and suspend the soil in the wash water. The washing soda binds to the minerals which make water hard and allows the detergent to be absorbed into fibers properly to clean clothes.

SODIUM PERCARBONATE (a main ingredient found in popular oxygen-based cleaners)

Commonly used in cleaning products as a stain remover by contributing oxygen to help remove color pigments, soils, and stains from dirty dishes or laundry, restoring them to their normal oxidized state.


Borax is a natural mineral mined from the earth that is a common ingredient in many household cleaners. Dissoluble in water, borax is great for killing mold, and bacteria, and removing stains, and it can also be used as a natural insect repellent.